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7 deadly sins of blogging

Just as dark marketing is not how I want to do business, I like to follow a few basic guidelines when blogging. Some have to do with education and others with consistency. The latter are probably the hardest to achieve and I admit that I don’t always manage to follow these every day either (on the bright side I still have a lot of room for improvement). Here are my 7 deadly sins of blogging:

The sins of blogging

1. Being stingy with your links to other blogs: If there are good posts that explain in more detail and support your arguments it is good to put external links. Don’t be stingy with links because you think it may worsen your positioning. Referencing other blogs will help you rank better.

2. Not responding to comments: Take the opportunity to communicate with your readers through comments. Be grateful that someone is taking the time to comment. I admit that it is not easy to always be able to respond to everyone austria phone number library because many of us also do other things besides blogging.

3. Not referencing who inspired you: none of us writes all our articles from scratch. In many cases there are people who have inspired us because we have read a post and we want to write about a similar topic. Referencing with a link is a way of valuing the work of another blogger who will also bring you sympathy.

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Thinking that there is no one more expert than you

Being humble is an important attitude in a blogger. Changing your mind and admitting that we are wrong is not a sign of weakness. There will always be people who know more than you.

5. Insulting or creating rumors about third reach new audiences with delivery service parties: creating rumors is an easy way to attract  traffic to your blog. If you also mess with a person who is also well-known, going beyond the limits of asia email list good taste, you will receive rejection from many people. It is not good to be obsessed with getting traffic at all costs and even less so if third parties are involved.

Having an unprofessional design on your blog: if you have a blog that is reminiscent of the Internet’s principles, your visitors will run away. In order for your users to actually read your content, you have to make them feel comfortable. A professional design creates instant trust and helps prevent your users from running away.

Writing posts for search engines and not for people

If you are not interested in building loyalty with your blog’s audience, you can continue writing for search engines. The bad thing is that no one will actually read your content, resulting in a very high bounce rate. A blog is all about the reader and not what the search engine likes.

Being humble is an important attitude in a blogger. Changing your mind and admitting that we are wrong is not a sign of weakness. There will always be people who know more than you.

7. Having an unprofessional design on your blog: if you have a blog that is reminiscent of the Internet’s principles, your visitors will run away. In order for your users to actually read your content, you have to make them feel comfortable. A professional design creates instant trust and helps prevent your users from running away.

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