Customer Service, Technical Support, Sales and Community Managers

To achieve this, the different areas of your company must be involved. The objective: constantly monitor the user experience in relation to your product or service to improve your offer based on their feedback. Below we give you some tips to surprise your customer!

Our customer service representatives , technical support, sales agents and Community Managers are the most visible face of your company , especially when problems arise or when the customer requires information about products or services. Their role in ensuring the full satisfaction of your customers is:

Respond to queries in a concrete, precise and timely manner.
Never lose your friendly tone or cont whatsapp data rol of the situation.
Solve problems related to the use of products or services .
Do not delete or respond to negative comments.
When faced with a serious complaint, convey empathy and confidence .
Provide quality feedback to other areas of the company to continuously improve your customer experience.

whatsapp data

Marketing and Communication

People involved in the Marketing and Communications area of ​​your company must ensure that your product provides added value . How?

Incorporating feedback generated from conversations between your customer service and sales representatives, technical support, and Community Managers with your users.
Proactively developing satisfaction surveys to systematically and periodically assess the level of customer satisfaction.
Disseminating the implemented changes and improvements internally and externally .
Promoting the implementation of improvements that require the intervention of other areas (development and management) based on information collected from your clients, your own statistics and market trends.
Developing quality content on topics and issues of interest to your users.
Measuring and monitoring the impact on the level of satisfaction generated by the improvements made.
If the required improvement involves modifying the functional characteristics of your product (for example, incorporating an additional element) or service (for example, adding a new feature to your management software), the development area is the one that comes into play . How?

Evaluating with other areas the convenience

A (in operational and economic terms) of carrying it out.
Implementing the modification or incorporation of that new feature to our product or service.
The company’s management is the one who strategically oversees the entire proc database d ess . What would be their responsibilities?

Monitor the correct functioning of the different gears that mak the pain of looking for e up this satisfaction circuit (customer service, marketing/communication and development).
Provide the necessary feedback to those responsible for each area.
Make the final decision on the implementation of improvements (when their complexity so requires).
We want to know how you feel!
At Doppler we always strive to offer you, in addition to the best Email Marketing service , training provided by experts in the sector and the latest developments in Online Marketing.

But there is something we are missing : your opinion! If we know how you feel or what your recommendations are about our service and our way of relating to you, we can greatly improve your experience at Doppler .

That’s why we invite you to take part in our new survey that we’ve prepared to get to know you better every day and find out what you’d like to see this year. Are you ready? Take part in the 2014 Doppler Survey! You can win great surprise prizes and credits to use in the app.


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