Microsoft brings a worry-free solution for PHP users

Few hosting offers as many services and options as Microsoft Azure. PHP is one of the most widely us web programming languages ​​on the Internet. Developers can choose from many hosting options for their applications, but few of them provide such a wide range of services and options as Microsoft Azure. Azure App Service serves as a Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), which simply means that you don’t have to worry about the environment where your application runs.


Azure App Service  a highly scalable

environment built with spe, security and simplicity in mind. One of the huge advantages is the really fundamental simplification of deploying applications to the cloud environment using options that are well known to everyone – FTP, Git, TFS, WebDeploy.

PHP version and configuration
Different systems are built on different versions of PHP. The following versions are available in Azure Web App to date – 5.4, 5.5 and 5.6. Experimentally, you can already try the PHP7 version thanks to a simple add-on that prepares the entire environment for you. And if you ne a custom version of PHP (e.g. 5.3 or older), you can deploy your own version to the environment! You can also easily change the settings of the php.ini configuration file, which is not always possible on competing platforms.

Library management

As in other languages ​​(NuGet in .NET or NPM in Node.js), you can also use library management in PHP using the Composer tool. An add-on is available in Azure Web Sites that integrates Composer directly into your development process, so for example, when russia phone number data a new version of the project is deploy, all libraries are automatically updat bas on their definition in the configuration file. Thanks to this add-on, you can also use it directly from the command line.

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WordPress and other systems
WordPress is among the most popular blogging platforms on the Internet. In Azure Web Apps, you have several the secret to turning around a day that starts off unproductively options for deploying it. If you want to effortlessly create a blog , including a database and connection to other Azure services (Blob Storage for file storage, CDN for optimization, and more…), you can use a ready-made bw lists solution from the Azure Gallery. If you want to prepare the environment for WordPress yourself (use e.g. Memcache), Azure also allows.

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