Home » How to sell using digital marketing – for service providers

How to sell using digital marketing – for service providers

The process of selling using digital marketing for a service provider or freelance professional is different from selling physical or virtual products. The perceived risk in the service sales process is greater and, generally, your brand is tied to your own profile. There is no way to separate one from the other.

Therefore, I invite you to think with me about some essential steps that freelance professionals can use to sell more. It is a “formula” to guide you through this construction of recognition and perception of authority.

When you outline digital marketing strategies, it is also to be perceived as the best option for your client and this has to do with the perception of authority they have of you, whether or not they trust what you say and show.

We’ll talk more about this throughout the article, so stay with me until the end to understand each step of this journey to selling more!

Focus on the problems you solve, not your own problems

“I want to make money fast”, “How do I advertise my services?”, “How can I make money without having much to invest?”. Get out of this cycle of despair buy telemarketing data start looking at your potential client’s problem. Focus on your purpose, this will help you stay firm on the path. This is not a motivational message, it is what helps us stay motivated and serve our clients better.

Always remember that selling is about finding a solution to someone’s problem. Take the spotlight off your own problem and focus on the content that someone needs to know. Start transmitting knowledge and credibility in a less desperate way and you will be able to be lighter and more fluid in your actions. You will come up with lots of ideas and you will be able to create valuable content for your persona.

Become an expert

Being an expert in your field helps you to be seen as the best solution and to build the much-dreamed-of authority that we hear so much about from digital marketing gurus, which is to be seen as someone who knows what they are doing.

But how can you do this? Start answering questions on social media through videos, blogs, YouTube, etc., bringing deeper and more valuable content to your audience.

The provision of a service has an intangible aspect and differs from a product because there is no way to try it out.

The risk is greater, so add a pinch of rich and energetic content, which will be a “tasting” of your work. When you transmit knowledge, explain concepts, answer questions, show that you know what you’re doing and generate credibility. This is how, little by little, we build our authority.

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Find a niche

Finding a niche means identifying a market segment that has a difficulty or that is not well served and that could be, but does not have a good supplier in that environment. This is an opportunity to stand out. However, I always say that this is a process of discovery.

Although the market seems saturated in certain niches, there is always a way to differentiate how to register a company in the united states in 2024 yourself, being clear about your uniqueness and what attracts customers to your business.

However, “niching” undoubtedly helps you become an expert in market perception and, therefore, more valued. And at this point I want to emphasize that this does not happen overnight, it is a process. Like any process, it takes time and testing.

Personal branding: your brand is you

In our case, as service providers, our brand speaks about us. Your brand and your services are about you, the service provider.

Have you ever stopped to think why your client hires you? They will certainly not hire you b2c fax just for the problem you solve, but because of WHO solves the problem.

It is impossible to provide a service without participating in solving the problem.

There is no way to separate your image from your service. Unlike a product, which we still buy if we don’t like the service, personal marketing needs to be present in your digital positioning strategy.

Show up and be seen

Make it happen! We see excellent professionals that no one knows what they are. Make a plan to make this happen. Remember that digital marketing is not an accessory to your business strategy, it is an essential part of the development of healthy businesses. Take it seriously!

In your strategy routine, set aside time to record videos and explain concepts that will help your audience. You don’t have to, but if you want to see significant results, keep your social media content up to date and show off your knowledge.

This is a suggestion especially for service providers. For businesses that sell products, we need to consider every part of the brand’s purpose and essence. A strategy for professionals does not always apply to businesses that sell food, clothing, and other products.


Be comfortable being who you are, with your unique characteristics, and see them as a differentiator. We all have a personal brand to take care of, and I see this more and more every day in my own journey. Just as you take care of your company and your customers, take care of yourself.

I want to leave you with these two phrases that always accompany me: “Done is better than perfect” and “Doing is hard work, but not getting results is also a lot of work”. Choose which path you want to follow and if you need to talk, follow me on Instagram or send me a message!


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