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They also combine warehouse and delivery service data

CRM is a customer relationship management application that stores all information about customers and transactions. Sometimes, using the end-to-end analytics service,  information about loyalty programs and other aspects of working with customers. End-to-end analytics allows you to collect information about all customer actions in one place Example of end-to-end analytics Let’s say you launched contextual advertising in Yandex and placed a billboard near the metro.

You used different phone numbers for different channels

The budgets were the same. A week later, they decided to norway phone number library collect statistics: the number of impressions and clicks on the online ad, as well as the number of requests from the site, were looked up in Yandex.Metrica. Sales from requests from the Internet were found in CRM. There, they also took data on calls, requests, and sales from the billboard.

Then they put everything together in one

phone number library

Excel table and analyzed it. It turned out that 10 clients came from the Internet and each made a purchase for 1,000 rubles. And only 5 people contacted from counterintuitive things I’ve learned about investing in Lego over the past 18 months the billboard, their average check was 500 rubles. Given equal budgets, online advertising that leads to the site turned out to be four times more effective. After all, in the first case.

The company earned 10,000 rubles, in the second

It was able to get only 2,500 rubles. If you then compare the costs buy lead of each promotion channel with the profit from it, you can draw a conclusion about the advisability of placing such advertising. Of course, this is a simplified model, but it shows the principle of combining data in a “single window” and the basics of their analysis. What metrics are used in end-to-end analytics.

The main indicator that is assessed first during

Analysis is ROMI or Return On Marketing Investments. It is translated as “return on marketing investments” and shows whether your investments in advertising are paying off. The ROMI index is calculated as the ratio of advertising profit to advertising costs. It can be estimated separately for each promotion channel. ROMI can be greater than 100%. The higher it is, the more effective the channel. If the indicator is negative, it means that advertising brings losses, not profits.

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