Home » Web Tuning. 20 Tips for Beauty-Themed Websites

Web Tuning. 20 Tips for Beauty-Themed Websites

The concept of beauty has changed over time. Women, for whose love wars were fought in ancient times, would not be on the cover of any glossy magazine today. And the perception of beauty has been largely influenced by cosmetic companies that sell beauty elixirs in jars and boxes.

Today’s post is dedicated to the beauty industry figures, the fairy godmothers who make a Princess out of Cinderella. I have selected 20 tricks, a kind of “conversion injections” , especially for you , by implementing them on your website, you will be able to attract even more clients via the Internet.

Full screen photos of the result

Since people buy cosmetics to become. More beautiful, show your website. Visitor the effect of contacting you in the. First second of their stay on the resource. And the best way to do this is by placing. A large photo of a model on the main page. Who supposedly used your product and achieved this.

Many companies post large photos of the spain telegram data product itself on their pages. And not bad, but remember that they are buying an emotion, not a jar of cream. And even if deep down each person understands that this perfect face is the result of a designer, not cosmetics, there is still hope 🙂 And where there is hope, there is a purchase.

Example of a large photo on the siteLaroche-Posay:


Callable filter

If you want to refresh the menu with filters for cosmetics, you can move away from the standard sidebar and make the filter database d hidden by default, and call it up when you click on an element. And to get the entire width of the screen at your disposal, the filter itself can be placed above the block with cosmetics.

An example of the implementation of a callable filter placed above the block with products on the Skincare website:


Photos of those who added Wishlist

Almost every online store, no matter what topic it is devoted to, has an option such as “Add to Wishlist”. But few go further and use the Wishlist element to increase the conversion of their resource. For example, by placing a block with photos of those who have already added the product to their wishlist next to the product. This is social proof (people like it, so I want it too).

Example of photos of those who added to the Wishlist on the siteGarnier:


Advanced review filtering

The effectiveness of a cosmetic product is determined not only by its quality, but also by the individual characteristics of the client. You can simply choose a hair dye that does not suit your hair type, for example. Therefore, advanced how much do businesses spend on content? filtering of reviews is more appropriate here than ever. You can objectively assess whether this product will suit us or not by looking at the reviews of customers who are similar to us in appearance.

An example of advanced filtering of reviews on the siteGarnier.


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