Buying a zoned washing machine can buy ordinary washing machines in addition the product experience . Is not good large size and loud noise from these factors it is a bit . Like the folding screen mobile phone in the mobile phone industry so far there are . Still problems such as high price and unsurpassed product experience heavy creases but the reason . Why it is still growing slowly is driven by consumers demand for more healthy washing . Customized special drum washing and care more quiet washing more clothing protection and appearance and .
The Pursuit of Quality Life in Addition
The pursuit of quality life in addition the survey data of the zone washing industry . Development white paper shows that of users poland email list wash in different categories at home but of . Users do not have enough space to install two washing machines consumers are eager to . Have a new type of washing machine that can wash in different categories at the . Same time save time and space how did xiaomis new form of zone washing machine . Come into being xiaomis new form of zone washing machine is made by listening to .
The Voice of Users and Respecting User
The voice of users and respecting user needs with the main theme of listening to . Advice there is a joke on the internet that says that a netizen this includes using appropriate keywords commented on . Lei juns social account can you come up with such a washing machine it is . Very necessary thank you unexpectedly it was really made this time we usually divide product . Innovation into four paradigms among them extended innovation mainly refers to the development of new . Scenarios and new opportunity groups under existing categories which requires the excavation of pain points .
In Existing Scenarios and Insights Into New
In existing scenarios and insights into new opportunity groups the launch of xiaomis new form . Of zone washing machine also bzb directory belongs to the innovation paradigm of extended innovation we can . Compare this innovative form of doubledrum zone washing machine with the kg motherchild doubledrum zone . Washing machine launched in the kg doubledrum partition washing machine has a larger upper drum . And a larger overall size which is suitable for user demand scenarios with relatively more . Family members and more complex family relationships the innovative partition washing machine has a smaller .