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Communicating With the Team via

Nature and type of business entity after defining who . You are, clearly state the nature and type of business entity the founders wish to . Incorporate. Keep long-term and short-term business goals in mind. Distribution of roles and responsibilities this . Section is the heart and soul of the founding agreement. It’s understandable that founders have . So many overlapping roles and writing this part can be really chaotic.

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But trust us, . Once you’ve done this part, you’ll definitely get a clearer vision of each founder’s contribution. It would be best if you decide the roles of each founder based on their . Experience and expertise. For example, roles can be divided into operations, marketing, finance, etc. In . Addition, if each founder knows what is expected of him, he will work more efficiently, .

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Because now everything is clear. Ownership structure the founding agreement must document the company’s ownership . Structure. This includes employment database the percentage or number of shares held by each founder or the . Percentage of each founder’s initial contribution. When transferring shares in a business, it is quite . Important to establish certain rules regarding the transfer of founders’ shares. By mutual agreement, the . Founders should agree on a lock-up period of certain years during which they would be .

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Bound not to transfer their shares to any third party. In addition, this clause in . The agreement should also specify what happens if the social media tips for online marketing social founder transfers his shares before the . End of the lock-up period. In addition, it should also be discussed whether the founder . Can transfer his shares to third parties. The founding agreement should specify a decision-making procedure . That will help resolve conflicts.

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So this section can serve as a basic guide to . Find buy lead answers to questions like, for example, what happens in the event of a deadlock?, . Do any of the founders have a casting vote, etc.? Removal of the founder this . Part of the founders’ agreement specifies how the founder can be removed from the company . And under what circumstances. Motives for this action may include sexual harassment, embezzlement and substitute .

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