In the first part of the article, we show an impeccable plugin for backing up sites built on the WordPress system . We install the plugin , set up saving backups to remote storage and test that the backup actually works for us . This is important and I recommend checking the backup status at regular intervals . It often happens that something breaks, the backup does not take place, and you find out in the worst possible case, for example, after the site is attack by a malicious virus.
Today we’ll show you how to safely restore a website from a requir backup in just a few clicks.
Backup list and download option
At the bottom of the UpdraftPlus plugin page , which can be access via the menu Settings -> UpdraftPlus backups , we will see a list of existing backups.
With one click, you can download any part of the backup, such as the database or plugins. After clicking, the data will start downloading from the external storage and you can then choose what you want to do with the backup – you can download the file to your computer, delete it from the web server, or browse the contents of the backup.
After downloading, I recommend singapore phone number data deleting the backup from the web server for the sake of saving space on the web server and at the same time for security. Don’t worry, the backup is only delet from the web server where it was temporarily cach.
Restoring data from a backup
However, the most important feature of the plugin is the ability to easily restore a backup. You can start the our top amazon brands and plans for thembackup restore wizard by clicking the blue Restore button next to the desir backup.
After clicking, you choose what specifically you want to restore from the backup. For the example, I only chose cg leads to restore the plugins, so I chose the Plugins option in the right part of the first step of the dialog. You can, of course, select multiple items at the same time. We confirm the choice by pressing the Next button .