Home » Five new use cases for the My Sticky Menu welcome bar to increase conversions, leads, and sales

Five new use cases for the My Sticky Menu welcome bar to increase conversions, leads, and sales

In this blog post, we will discuss the latest additions to the My Sticky Menu plugin Welcome (Notification) Bar – some great features that you can use in different ways to maximize conversions. If you haven’t done so already, be sure to read our other blog on the My Sticky Menu Welcome Bar, where you’ll learn aboutWhy You Should Use a Notification Bar on Your Website.

#1. Add a countdown timer to your welcome bar

One of the new features you can achieve with the plugin is adding a countdown timer element to your welcome bar. You can use this feature to announce temporary whatsapp and digital marketing or upcoming events, such as promotions, at the top or bottom of your web page to attract more attention to your message and increase the chances of conversions and sales.

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You can choose between two modes – countdown from a specific date and time (in a specific time zone, depending on your location and target audience) or countdown from the moment the welcome bar appears (on page load or depending on the selected trigger). If you choose the first mode, you need to select the start and end date of the timer. If you choose the second mode, you need to add the minutes and seconds from when the countdown will start. In either mode, the timer will count backwards until it reaches 0:00:00 from the date you selected.

#2. Display coupon code at the top of your website

The next feature we have for you is the ability to add coupon codes to your welcome bar. This feature can also be useful when you have a promotion or exclusive offer, for example if you want to “reward” site visitors for a specific engagement with an element on your site.

#3. Add a contact form to your welcome bar

With the My Sticky Menu plugin Welcome Bar, you can now add a simplified 2-step contact form to your welcome bar, which will appear at the general statisticsdigital sales top or bottom of your website, depending on your welcome bar settings. With this feature, you can provide your website visitors with a quick and easy way to contact you in just a few clicks. As a website owner, you will receive leads via your local database or via email (the latter is only available to our Pro users). To enable the feature, you need to select the desired mode – collect visitor’s name and email or name and phone number via a minimalistic contact form.

#4. Use the contact form to receive product inquiries or “quick buys”

A great use case for a my sticky menu welcome bar contact form is to set it. Up as a distinguishable “make an inquiry” or “quick buy” option at the top of your website. Quick purchases, so instead of having your website visitors go through the entire process of adding. An item to their cart, then reviewing the cart, and finally going to checkout. There are a lot of details that need to be added.

Such as full name, email address, and complete address, to name a few, and you can benefit from a welcome .bar contact form to receive product purchases or inquiries faster by receiving a call back if you add a phone field or – if you choose an email field, you can get detailed material data information about the desired item. And then as a store owner you can manually create an order for your customer. Buyers will see this as a benefit in streamlining and speeding. Up the buying process, and for you it will result in faster sales. The best part is that you don’t need to add any intrusive buttons. Or popups to benefit from this feature – floating bars are subtle. But they don’t lack in power when it comes to generating more leads and sales.

#5. Grow your mailing list using the Welcome Bar Contact Form

A great way to use the new My Sticky Menu welcome bar feature (Contact Form) is to help you build a stronger email marketing foundation. As we mentioned, as a website owner, you will receive leads in your local database. You can then export.

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