elow we share a glossary with email marketing technical terms and their meaning:
Term given to the rating of the sending server’s IP address, in which black list is an IP address with a bad reputation and white lists is an IP address that works normally.
BounceBounc emails
Name given to the service that is carri out in a given period of time and is aim at achieving an objective.
CTR: (Click Through Rate)
Measures the percentage of clicks on the links sent in our campaigns.
Comma-separat values is a type of format in which the file that stores the database of emails to be sent must be generat.
IP address
IP (Internet Protocol) addresses allow computers to identify each other so that data can be deliver over networks to the appropriate computer.
HyperText Markup Language. Programming language us to develop the body of the message.
Landing Page:
Landing page that receives contacts or clients from the email marketing campaign .
Link to which the message recipient is rirect when clicking on a certain resource.
LEAD: User or client contact and prequalifi to acquire a france telegram data product or service. A lead is a potential first-level prospect close to making the purchase of a good, product or service.
Newsletter that is sent to generate frequent and constant communication at the communication of selling points of with an organization’s clients or contacts.
onsists of carrying out two variations (changing an element) of a marketing campaign in order to collect data from both and compare their results to see which case is better.
Indicates that a user gives express and unequivocal permiss cz lists ion to a company to use their email address for the purpose of receiving the request information.
Better known as “spam”, it is any unsolicit emai cz lists that is generally intend to offer or market a product, service, or company.