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GreenLetter CMO is dead long live CMO

Fewer and fewer companies are retaining a CMO. Only 36% of Fortune 500 companies have a classic CMO role. For example, organizations like Johnson & Johnson, AB InBev, Uber, and now Starbucks do not have this position.

Top marketers are becoming responsible for developing current and new product lines. This is a definite advancement of our field in the corporate world, and as a result, adding more areas to the marketer’s already full plate. 

Starbucks without CMO

It is yet another company that has eliminated the CMO position from its structure. In recent years, Johnson & Johnson, AB InBev US and Uber telegram marketing have all dropped CMOs in their hierarchies. Starbucks’ global marketing chief Brady Brewer has been named CEO of Starbucks International, as part of a management shakeup. Under Starbucks’ new structure, regional CEOs will work directly with local marketers.

Nvidia CEO on the future of AI 

NVIDIA Co-Founder and CEO Jensen Huang presented his view on the future and development of AI in his speech at the SIEPR 2024 Economic Summit. Among other things, he talked about the concept that the cost of computing will approach zero, which will open the door to innovation and reduce costs. Huang predicts a transition from static models to dynamic and continuous learning.

The speech also shed new light on the potential 

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AI in the healthcare sector, especially in understanding the meaning of biological data, which could revolutionize drug discovery. The session not only solidified NVIDIA’s vision, but also reinforced Jensen Huang’s reputation as a strong and clear leader. It’s definitely worth watching the whole thing!

Telegram faces problems before going public

Telegram is stirring controversy ahead of its optimize search results search engine optimization planned IPO. On the one hand, Telegram CEO Pavel Durov promotes the app as a “censorship-proof safe haven,” while on the other, researchers and experts warn that it has become an uncontrolled place where illegal products and crime can flourish. Telegram is an information and propaganda battlefield in many countries around the world. 

Advertising breaks stereotypes

This social campaign is making a lot of noise. CoorDown, an Italian organization that brings together associations supporting people dating data with Down syndrome, has launched an international marketing campaign with the slogan. This is a project against prejudices and stereotypes that have grown up around people with an extra chromosome. 

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