Management Analyst in the Strategic Initiatives Group at NIH, Kelley Timpa spoke about best knowledge management practices. Timpa is the project lead on the HHS Venture’s Fund Project, also known as “The Federal HR Wiki,” which crowd-sources federal HR knowledge across agencies. From her project’s success, Timpa listed the steps to tackling knowledge management.
Define the problem This is the
Question of how to successfully transfer projects from subject-matter experts with institutional knowledge to new employees. Figure out what specific issue you need to address and how it’s affecting your agency’s productivity and performance. Brainstorm solutions. With the Wiki Project, Timpa discussed how they were able to get together a large team and discuss solutions through quick five minute brainstorm sessions.
The more ideas, the better.
Bring people in from across agency departments so that you can get a larger pool of ideas. Figure out shared concerns and combine botim database possible solutions. “The key is finding a flexible product that would meet everyone’s needs,” Timpa said. In order to do this, you need multiple perspectives on the issue. Conduct research. Figure out what works and what doesn’t.
Create a benchmark and look at existing models.
Timpa and her team looked at existing demo videos advertisements etc your Wikipedia pages and which ones were currently being managed. Build a pilot. For the project, Timpa and her team created a Wiki model for a team of six people. “By showing that you can build a model of your plan, you can prove that it can be feasibly re-created at a larger scale,” Timpa said. Demonstrate value.
Timpa found that the project helped
Them manage knowledge better and they could train employees much faster. Consider the improvements your new plan has created. Create a chec tg data klist and ask yourself if the solution meets all the requirements. Does the quality, speed and efficiency of training employees increase? What about the cost? Get senior leader support.