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Mobile applications in Industry

The technologies used in Industry 4.0 lead to cost reduction, control over the production process, customization of production, among other advantages.

If your industry manufactures products such as pressure reducing valves , with Industry 4.0, it is possible to have machines and equipment that perform a large part of the internal processes, in addition to reducing failures and delivering final products with greater quality and agility.

According to a survey by the Brazilian

Industrial Development Agency ( ABDI), the estimated annual reduction in industrial costs in Brazil, based on the migration of industry to the 4.0 concept, will be at least R$73 billion/year. This is due to the reduction in machine maintenance costs and energy consumption.


A large part of the Brazilian population accesses the internet via mobile phones, and this new phase of the industry is marked by the emergence of this technology.

With the advent of the internet and apps, which are the result of this phase of the industry, we are able to perform activities without the need for a person to carry them out, using only technology, with sensors and information mechanisms included in countless devices and accessories in real time.

Companies from a wide range of segments, such as masterbatch industries , among others, use applications to create solid communication channels and direct relationships with customers.

Through data collection and analysis, carried out using applications and digital communication techniques, it is possible to map market trends and key customer characteristics.

phone number data

Strategies and tools contribute

to the development of this new market, which must be able to find the difference in each client. This way, it is possible to offer exactly what they are looking for, at the right time and in the best way .

We, at MadeinWeb, develop this there are not many disadvantages that I have been able type of solution, in web and mobile format, focused on results for customers, thus strengthening their brand and bringing new creative and innovative solutions, which can add value and improve their expectations.

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