Quantum computers: A threat to today’s level of encryption?

According to the theory of quantum mechanics. A quantum object can be, and is, in many different positions. The same time. It’s a fantastic thing, because who doesn’t at least occasionally. Think of how many things he could accomplish if he could. Several places at the same time without having to cut himself up for it. Quantum physicists also thought of something similar: how quickly computers would reach results if they were able to perform calculations in parallel and not, as before, process information one by one. However, this time it was not just an idea, the Oxford physicist David Deutsch subsequently in 1985 propos a theoretical model of a quantum Turing machine. However, translating the theory into practice has not been easy at all, although many top scientific teams, especially in the Unit States, are working on this task. A number of experimental prototypes of the quantum computer were creat, but only in In 2011, the first commercial machine of this kind was present to the public by D-Wave Systems. However, it was still not a full-flg quantum computer.

Quantum logic

The basic principle of quantum computing .  The quantum properties of particles are us for the representation and structure. Data, the data unit is a qubit , and quantum phenomena  operations with this data.

Ubits at once. For the efficiency of calculations, it is important that this quantum be as large as possible. While e.g. eight qubits can represent all integers from 0 to 2 8 (=256), with a higher number of qubits this set switzerland phone number data grows exponentially (2 n ), so it theoretically corresponds to all possible combinations of logical qubit values ​​every time. This extremely increases the computing power of the quantum computer, with only the 8-qubit register, 28 calculations can be perform in parallel at one moment!

phone number data

Since in quantum logic

Superposition state in addition to states 0 and 1, the apparatus of logical functions, or gates, naturally expands as well. For example, in addition to the the prize for the winner can be your page’s product classical NOT, which inverts the value of. The (qu)bit from 0 to 1 and vice versa, it is necessary to have a gate that inverts. The value of the qubit from a certain state to a superposition and vice versa. More complex functions bw lists are then achiev by combining gates. The peculiarity of quantum gates is that they are inherently reversible – that is, inputs can be obtain from the output.

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