Home » Anatomi yon mesaj spam SEO

Anatomi yon mesaj spam SEO

Occasionally, our clients will forward these spam messages to us asking if their claims of “top Google rankings” are possible. Invariably, our answer is to mark the message as spam and never respond to that person again.

To help you recognize these spammers for what they are, I wanted to share a few examples that Pronto and our clients have received and point out common traits that many of these messages will have.

The bad grammar and formatting

This is an example that was recently sent to us through a form on our website. Obvious formatting errors, missing punctuation and missing capitalization mark this clearly as spam. He doesn’t even bother add a little finesse and instead directly lis imèl peyi a mesaj spam SEO asks us to send him business. No, we will not be outsourcing work to you. Further digging shows additional suspicious activity here.

They actually have a decently looking website for a company claiming to be in Miami. However, in the form he lists a non-US phone number and a quick search of their address shows that its an apartment that was recently put up for rent.


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On top of that, mesaj spam

SEO their site claims that they designed websites for the Rolling Stones, Katy Perry and Jason Mraz. Sorry, but I don’t think Katy’s web design company is offering any services for $99/month. The Gmail account seo spam example.

In this example, we have an [etid ka] ki jan wheel & anchor te soti nan pa gen okenn enskripsyon yo jwenn anpil plon unsolicited message from a Gmail account trying to sell traffic services. That should throw up an immediate red flag for you. Spammers often use generic Gmail or Yahoo accounts because it adds a layer of protection and anonymity making it hard for any spam complaints to actually come back and mesaj spam SEO harm their domain.

A real SEO company offering valuable

Services would never spam you like this and if for some reason mesaj spam SEO they did send an unsolicited email, it certainly wouldn’t come from a Gmail account. What makes this even worse is that the service she is trying to sell is complete junk, but it could be tempting nimewo cn enough to trick a few website owners who don’t know better. More traffic is good, right? Not in this case. The traffic they would be sending would come from automated bots. You’d see a big spike in your traffic analytics and you might have a few vanity stats to brag about, but that traffic wouldn’t actually do anything on your site.

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