Series launch conference xiaomi released an innovative partition washing machine product which became a hot . Search the core selling point is the new doubledrum design and double washing and drying . Function however partition washing machines are actually not a new concept should product managers choose . To be bend in recent years after the internet has experienced a boom in spending . Money to do the market it has become increasingly aware that it is not enough . To rely solely on the cend and the shortcomings of the bend need to be .
Made Up as Soon as Possible So
Made up as soon as possible so should product managers choose to transform and do . The bend view details the earliest partition washing philippines email list machine is the casarte haiers highend home . Appliance brand gemini yunshang washing machine this washing machine was launched in it is the . Worlds first partition washing machine with a one machine two barrels design and is priced . At more than yuan subsequently haier little swan tcl and other brands launched more affordable . Upper and lower motherandchild barrel partition washing machines xiaomi also launched a kg motherandchild doubledrum .
Partition Washing Machine in August is the
Partition washing machine in august is the demand for partition washing machines a false one . According to the partition washing industry help your business reach customers effectively development white paper produced and released by the national . Household electrical appliances industry information center and the design research and evaluation center of the . China household electrical appliances research institute the terminal offline market sales data shows that the . Retail volume share of partition washing machines is and the retail sales share is among . Which drumtype zoned washing products are the main force of zoned washing machines occupying almost .
All Market Share Judging From the Changes
All market share judging from the changes in market share and sales data the penetration . Rate of this subdivided product bzb directory category is not high and it has been growing slowly . An important reason for the low penetration rate is the high price take casarte the . Creator of the zoned washing machine category for example even now the price is over . Yuan haier little swan tcl midea and other zoned washing machine products are priced at . Around yuan which is several times the price of ordinary washing machines in other words .