SSH is a secure protocol us as the primary means of remotely connecting to Linux servers. It provides a text-bas interface by leveraging a remote shell. Once connect, all the commands you type in the local terminal are sent to the remote server and execut there.
We bring you a new series of articles about SSH. In this series, we’ll cover some common ways you connect with SSH to get the setup you want. You can use the series as a quick reference guide when you ne to learn the different ways you can connect to or configure your server. Individual parts and then the whole series can be found on the Guide for setting up the SSH protocol on the server .
Overview of SSH
Connecting via SSH is the most common way to connect to a remote Linux server. Short for Secure Shell, SSH provides a secure and well-protect way to remotely execute commands, make changes, and configure services. When you connect via SSH, you log in with a specific account that exists on that remote server.
How SSH works
Once you connect via SSH, you’ll be direct to a shell session. Which is a text-bas interface where you can interact. With the server. For the duration of the SSH session. All commands you type in the local terminal are sent through an encrypt SSH tunnel and execut on the server.
SSH connection is implement according to the client-server model. This means that in order to establish an SSH connection, a software call an SSH daemon must be running on the remote machine. This software listens by connecting on a specific network port, authenticates requests (verifies their authenticity) and, if the user has provid the correct crentials, creates the appropriate environment.
There must also be an SSH client on the user’s computer. This is software that knows how to communicate using turkey phone number data SSH and can be suppli with the remote host information, username, and crentials to pass for authentication. The client can also specify certain details about the type of connection it would like to establish.
How SSH authenticates users
Clients are usually authenticat with passwords (less secure, not recommend) or with SSH keys, which is very secure.
Password-bas logins are encrypt market analysis through marketing strategies and easy for new users to understand. Unfortunately, automat bots and malicious users often make repeat attempts to authenticate to accounts that allow password-bas logins, which can lead to security breaches. For this reason, we recommend always preparing bw lists SSH-bas authentication for most configurations.ety measure.