Home » Starting my holiday training plan – it will be different this time

Starting my holiday training plan – it will be different this time

In the end I opted for Eindhoven. Things have changed. Now it seems that the T-shirts cost extra. Well, 160 euros seemed too much to me. Despite having to pay for a one-night stay in Eindhoven we opted for this race. In the end I also prefer it since it is a different race (Cologne would have been a repeat) and it is a family activity.

The city is not the only thing that has changed.

44 years old and not 34 years old

It took me 10 years to make the decision. It’s been a long time since my last race in Murcia. I also don’t have good memories of it. My body is not the same. It will undoubtedly need more time to recover. I’m still not sure how I’m going to feel. I’ve been preparing the training plan for weeks but of course I’ve been injured twice. Hopefully tomorrow I’ll be able to start, although I’ll probably stop the series this week so as not to take south africa whatsapp number data any risks (never better said). I’ve said it before. Murcia has not been the best preparation possible.

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Training plan made by me (and ChatPGT)

I have learned some new things about making training plans.

I think I have understood the basics, which are basically planning around the two most important sessions:

the interval session and the long run. So with canvassing banned in good news for brands? the help of ChatGPT I am creating my training plan. This time I am starting earlier. Also to give myself more time to adapt. I am starting 14 weeks earlier instead of 12 weeks. Well, I have never really stopped running and I started about two months ago going from 2 sessions to 4+. I have included intervals and the long run was already 34km. Maybe I went too fast. Tomorrow I will try to run 10km in the mountains because it seems my injury tolerates it better. I will be careful, if I notice that it is not possible I will stop immediately.

Betting on fat

There is one other thing that is very different this fans data time and it is a risk. I am going for fat this time. What do I mean by this? Since I have been doing intermittent fasting my metabolism has changed. I have been able to run “without problems” 34km without having eaten breakfast in the morning. The body is supposed to be able to run a marathon on fat. That is why I will probably stay away from gels and sugary drinks. I am going for fat. I don’t know how I will do but hopefully the race will go well enough to leave me wanting to run the next one.

Well, you know my plan. It’ll be fun. Or so I hope.

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