Home » The blind CV: what it is, how to create it and when to use it

The blind CV: what it is, how to create it and when to use it

Also known as “ blind CV” , this is a proposal that seeks to eliminate bias in selection processes. We are talking about those unfair reasons why a candidate is rejected and which have nothing to do with their capabilities or aptitudes.

What is a blind resume?

If you are interested in learning more about the blind CV, how to create  The blind CV it and whether it kuwait phone number list can help you find a job in Spain, keep reading because we will tell you everything in this OnlineCV article.

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Pay attention!

The blind CV is a CV format originating in countries such as the 19 lead generation strategies that work for small businesses United Kingdom or Sweden, which omits all personal information that could lead to discrimination or prejudice in the selection process.

This includes data such as age, gender or educational background, for example.

According to a study by the Spanish platform for promoting tale ithout bias, Hiwook, cited by the HR Observatory, 90% of personnel selection processes are conditioned by voluntary and involuntary biases .

This approach to résumés seeks to promote a more objective and fair evaluation of candidates, creating equal opportunities for all applicants.

The main difference between a traditional resume and a blind res bz lists ume, or anonymous resume, lies in the information they contain.

A traditional CV includes personal information such as name, sex, age and sometimes a photograph. In contrast, a blind CV omits this information to avoid discrimination in the job selection process.

Difference between an anonymous resume and a traditional CV

HR consultancy Randstad says that the key to a blind CV is to highlight skills, competencies and professional achievements . The idea is to focus on what really matters: the candidate’s ability and aptitude for the position.

What information should not be included in the blind resume?

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