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What is the new B2B credit revolution?

When 2020 came along and brought with it the explosion of the COVID-19 pandemic, every business in the world had to rethink the way they operate. On a planet in quarantine, the B2C segment quickly migrated to the digital environment. It wasn’t always an easy transition, but today we can see how this sector managed to respond quickly to a sudden change in consumer behavior – a change that is here to stay!

B2C invested in debureaucratizing processes for customers, personalizing credit offers phone number list  and continuously improving the customer experience, a process that is now consolidated and that no one imagines returning to how it was before 2020.

But what about B2B? When will we see a similar dynamic happening?

In fact, the new B2B credit revolution is already underway, focused on personalization, shortening sales cycles and credit monitoring, all areas that are being highly impacted by digital.

Let’s find out more about this topic. Find out everything you need to know about it now!

B2B credit customization: a trend

In the B2C field, credit customization is already a reality, and it can be said that this concept has revolutionized the way in which customers and companies interact. Through resources that allow data collection, companies have at their disposal a large amount of information that helps them personalize the experience.

In this way, it is possible to offer customized credit solutions that perfectly fit the needs  how to network in college: tips for making contacts   of customers. However, in B2B, despite the high relevance and financial volume involved, this is not yet the case.

However, there is a strong trend for credit personalization to gain traction in B2B, and 2024 could be a key year for this shift, which could significantly transform the business environment.

In the dynamics of B2B credit in Brazil, digital  dating data represents only 2.5% of transactions, while in other countries this index is much higher: 21.3% in the United States, 24.9% in China and 31.7% in Japan.

By collecting data and cross-referencing customer information, with the support of specialized tools and software, companies can create personalized profiles, manage and analyze customer information, and implement resources such as chatbots or artificial intelligence tools to personalize service and make interactions much more precise, as occurs in B2C.

The importance of shortening the B2B sales cycle

The sales cycle is the period from the first contact between companies, in a commercial process, to the conclusion of the sale, covering the entire credit analysis and evaluation process.

Logically, shorter and more agile sales cycles result in greater profitability, since in this way it is possible to generate more sales and close more deals. However, in many cases, what has been observed are longer cycles due to a series of factors.

Heightened risk perception, driven by economic and political instabilities, and an excess of choice cause clients to postpone decisions for fear of making bad choices or a better opportunity emerging.

On the other hand, when a company receives poorly qualified leads, it can also be more difficult to close sales or transactions, due to the low maturity of a potential buyer who is not ready to close a transaction.

In all these cases, digital tools can help speed up the cycle, both for sales and credit.

Know your customer: Using available data intelligently to offer the right solution can speed up the sales cycle.

Qualify your sales team: A well-trained sales team can quickly identify opportunities and where to best invest their time and attention.

Invest in lead management and team training: Attracting truly qualified leads for the final phase of the sales funnel is essential to optimizing time, so it is important to align the marketing team with this objective.

Credit monitoring: one of the main contributions of digital to B2B

Within the credit revolution taking place in B2B sales, one of the greatest contributions of digital tools is the possibility of monitoring the credit of potential clients and partners. This is a crucial stage for business security, reducing the risk of default, facilitating collection processes and the solidity of operations in general.

To implement credit monitoring practices, companies must turn to specialized solutions. In this regard, the CIAL 360 Credit* tool stands out. It is a B2B credit analysis platform that provides data from companies in all regions of the world, allowing them to analyze credit risks and identify business opportunities more accurately.

Tools like CIAL360 Credit are especially important in B2B transactions, which typically involve large financial transactions and more flexible payment terms, where correctly assessing the risk of potential customers is vital.

All of this ensures more agile credit management, with a strategic vision focused on business efficiency.

Gerdau: credit decisions in 48 hours


An excellent example of how a tool can contribute to the process is Gerdau , a company with more than 50 years in the market and a reference in the steel industry. Due to the lack of information, the company took up to 25 days to make credit decisions, since it used different platforms to analyze information from national and international markets.

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