Home » What to do if your target audience doesn’t like your brand name?

What to do if your target audience doesn’t like your brand name?

When you ask you may come up with answers that you may not like. That’s what happened to us. Our strongest brand in terms of sales on Amazon has received mediocre feedback on how our target audience perceives the brand. It hasn’t been a super-wide sample, but it’s enough to stop ignoring the topic.

Star products and brand positioning products

The brand in question has been around for a long time as an online e-commerce store, and we wanted to bring it to a wider audience. We realized that this could be where we were mistaken. All subscribers and followers on social networks have entered this initial phase. That is why we have decided to continue down this path, giving more importance to brand positioning products.

That is, we accept that this brand is related to a product category that is not necessarily the strongest in terms of sales. What sells the most, or  were albums. Therefore, we will continue to promote those products that are related to it on spain whatsapp number data social media and in the newsletter. This audience knows the brand and, let’s say, has “become accustomed” to the brand image.

WhatsApp Data

New brand for a new target audience

The feedback comes mainly from a new Implementing the strategy using sms audience that is seeing us for the first time. They are more concerned about the brand’s features and values ​​than our initial customer group. That is why we have decided to bring these customers to this new brand because we also know that they value it more positively.

The challenge here is that there is no Shopify fans data store or social media. It is something that takes up a lot of resources and today it does not give a very fast return. Should we do it? Possibly, but with limited resources you have to make decisions about what you invest your time in and what you don’t.

In short :

we started with our old brand and we tried to position it within many different niches within our market. If you cannot afford to make great branding efforts this will not work because even if you fit a niche the feedback for other new niches may not be as good as we are seeing in our case. In the end our solution has been to position a new brand in the niche where it fits better than the first one. Now it is a matter of time, patience, sales and continuing to evolve to see if the decision has been the right one.

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