Xiaohongshu kuaishou from the positive and negative structure the reason for the low net sentiment . Of xiaomi partition washing machine is positive there is less directional sound and more negative . Sound we further open up the positive and negative evaluations of ugc and we will . Find that the positive evaluations of xiaomis new partitioned washing machine mainly focus on the . Innovative double drum features costeffectiveness and double washing and drying mainly solving the problem that . The upper drum of xiaomis upper and lower drum partitioned washing machines does not dry .
Function is Not Mentioned Much Negative Comments
Function is not mentioned much negative comments mainly focus on the innovative double roller and . Costeffectiveness data sources weibo russia email list wechat public accounts news platforms forums zhihu douyin bilibili xiaohongshu kuaishou . The following are the specific discussion results data sources weibo wechat public accounts news platforms . It can be found in forums zhihu douyin bilibili xiaohongshu and kuaishou that the negative . Opinions on the new doubledrum design are mainly reflected in the following uselessimpractical on the . One hand users are worried about the washing effect and feel that the washing is .
Not Clean on the Other Hand They
Not clean on the other hand they are worried about the washing effect on the . One hand I feel that there is a lack of one tube to distinguish consider the services the company mens . And womens underwear or underwear and socks it should be designed with three tubes two . Tubes is a bit embarrassing the negative opinions of users about the priceperformance ratio are . Mainly reflected in the following the price is still too high which is about the . Same as the price of traditional partition washing machines and it does not fulfill xiaomis .
Consistent Promise of Bringing Down the Price
Consistent promise of bringing down the price then there are other product experience pain points . There is no disinfectant delivery bzb directory channel in the smart threedisposal device the washing ratio data . Of the small tube in the selling point of the double washing and drying function . Is not transparent some pain points in product salesaftersales include unclear promotional subsidy and preferential . Policies unclear price guarantee rules etc it can be found that there are actually many . Problems related to unclear communication cognition of selling points so we took a closer look .