Alternative solutions expressed in a twodimensional matrix four types of opportunities can be obtained category . Small and beautiful high frequency small number of users category large enterprises high frequency large . Number of users category losers low frequency small number of users category dreams or nightmares . Low frequency large number of users may be a good opportunity or a nightmare it . Seems that something is missing from the process of problem to pmf verification it is . Not enough to have problems and market space at least two things are missing passion .
And Ability the Life Success Formula Provided
And ability the life success formula provided by kazuo inamori success thinking style x passion . X ability thinking style can help you identify malaysia email list problems while passion and ability require you . To master yourself the reason why tony fadell was able to successfully create the smart . Thermostat is because he is the father of the ipod and because he had started . His own business twice before joining apple both of which were related to hardware in . Addition he built the ipod and iphone from to in apple so he has the .
Relevant Capabilities of Hardware Design and Manufacturing
Relevant capabilities of hardware design and manufacturing the reason why teacher jia wei was able . To successfully create the cup is that greenletter: websites are a thing of the past he is the founder of rococo and has . Been responsible for designing and creating many products which enables him to have the ability . To create the cup the reason why teacher zhang bangxin was able to create xueersi . Is that he is an excellent lecturer and has been recognized by students and parents . During offline teaching pmf success passion ability problem x problem pain x number of users .
X Luck if You Expect the Productentrepreneurship
X luck if you expect the productentrepreneurship to successfully pass the product market verification and . Smoothly move from the startup bzb directory period to the development period then you can consider the . Following factors first find a problem worth solving from your own perspective find out which . Problems make you painful frustrated and waste your time and confirm whether others have similar . Problems consider the number of users the degree of pain the cost of alternative solutions . The frequency etc and focus on those small and beautiful or big opportunities second your .