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Tips for creating a career plan at any stage

Career planning is not something you do once and never think about again. On the contrary, it is organic and dynamic.

As time goes by, due to circumstances or as we g Tips for creating et to know ourselves better, a need may arise to redesign our professional career.

For this reason, at OnlinveCV we have compiled a series of tips to help you plan your professional career at any time in your life.

These are adaptable to people of any age or situation , whether they are just starting their careers, or wish to give their professional life a change.

Let’s get started!

1. Self-knowledge: the first step to redesign your future

They say that the only thing we don’t see is ourselves. That’s why the latvia phone number list process of creating a professional career plan begins with an internal evaluation of who you are at this moment in your life and what you want for your future.

To do this, you must analyze your current priorities and values, what you like to do, your gifts, your knowledge and skills , as well as your work experience to date.

If you are not sure how to start, we recommend that you use skills tests or personality assessments such as the following:



latvia phone number list

The popular IKIGAI methodology invites you to reflect on the following areas:

What do I like to do?
What am I good at?
What does the world need from me?
What can I get paid for?
Analyzing these 4 areas and finding the common denominator risk management usually includes the following steps between them will be of great help when designing your professional path.

That is, it is about exploring the professional and personal contexts with bz lists which you identify and that you can exploit to your advantage.

Public identity

It involves asking 5 people around you to name 3 of your strengths and 3 areas for improvement . These external perspectives will help you discover positive and negative aspects of yourself that you are not seeing.

This tool assesses how you behave in the face of challenges , influences people, norms and changing things. Keep in mind that this is a payment.

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